Friday, 13 February 2009


A couple years ago when I was researching Peace Corps I read a lot of blogs. I mean, just an embarrassing amount of personal information about individuals’ experiences while serving in different countries. And I noticed a really weird trend. After about one year of service, they all stopped writing. Some not entirely, but almost suddenly there would be very little information and it was infuriating. “What happens during the second year?” I wanted to ask. And now I find myself in the same position, and I think I know what it is. Everything seems normal now. The things that last year made me want to immediately tell someone “you can’t believe what I just saw” are now commonplace, and the “we’re-not-in-Kansas-anymore” moments grow few and far between. And even the things that do still surprise me are overshadowed by that really exciting thought – that in ONE year from RIGHT NOW I will be somewhere completely different. Then I start to worry about where I will be, what I will do, and the incident is shoved somewhere in my memory to be taken out at a later date. So when I sit down at the computer, I try to think, “What would be interesting to the people who read my blog?” Nothing comes to mind. Because it’s all stuff I’ve heard before.

So I’m going to try to write more. I’m sorry for being lazy about this and I’m going to be better.

Every so often I have these moments where my old self looks at what my now-self did and says something like "Gross," or "Uhhhh" or "Really?" Yesterday I had such a moment. I was lying in bed, thinking about how my stomach hurt and what I could have possibly eaten to make it feel that way. And as I thought about that day's food... I remembered the two pieces of bread I'd eaten with mayonnaise and Louisiana Hot sauce as a sauce on top… and nothing else. It tasted so good at the time, and now that I think about it, it sounds just so disgusting. It's really the dead of winter, when anything that isn't meat or potatoes is delicious and mayo tastes good on EVERYTHING.


Angela said...

Maybe I'm just easily amused... but I love reading your updates, even about the everyday things. And although I think your mayo + hot sauce sandwich sounds gross, it certainly sounds funny! :-D