Saturday, 22 November 2008

The Legend of Zelda and other embarrassing things

It turns out we do get a lot of free time in the Peace Corps, especially on school breaks. So Volunteers wind up doing really stupid things to keep themselves entertained. What sort of things you ask? Like, watching special features on dvds, including the second disk that comes with the new version of Aladdin. And I mean all of it, the music videos for "Proud of your boy" with Clay Aiken and "A whole new world" The versions by the original R&B singers and the more recent version by Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. So yeah, just really embarrassing things.

So I've been playing the Legend of Zelda. And I got all the pendants, and I got to the bad guy’s layer and then he made Princess Zelda disappear before my very eyes. Does that mean I lost? He disappeared too. I've been wondering since the beginning if I am actually the "Chosen one" anyway. Maybe I really did fail her. I know that these are problems a 12 year old should muddle over, but I never had Super Nintendo, so now at the tender age of 25 I am worrying about Princess Zelda. Is she still alive? Do I go after her? Where do I go? These are the embarrassing worries I have.