Saturday 12 January 2008

Just the Facts

Fact: I have moved so my address has changed. See over there ------>

Fact: The most important thing I brought with me to Kazakhstan was my head flashlight. It is just ridiculiously useful for outhouse runs.

Fact: MAIL IS AMAZING! Thank you!!

Fact: Once again, I have no time to tell you funny stories. Next time.

Ok, one. My new host family is funny. My last family was too, but my new host father has this hilerious laugh and you cant help but laugh when he does, even if you don't know (or understand) why he is laughing. So last night I decided to use a new phrase I've learned basically saying "I'm stuffed as a dog" and he burst out laughing like you wouldn't believe. It must have been the funniest thing he's ever heard in his life. So there you are, I was funny in Russian. That's a victory, I think.


Anonymous said...

Fact: you will have to copy and paste the address left as it doesn't show up well, there are 3 thin white lines that look unintelligible here that when copy and pasted into word document are
legible, if you read Russian that is! MOM

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when i read that because it remindes me of April! Last night even, she was laughing non stop, and we had no idea why she was laughing, but it made us all crack up! Love, seester

Anonymous said...

So happy to see a new 'post' -- and now that things have settled into a January mode here, i was going to try to figure out if i could be intelligent enough to send something to you .... however, i'll need to check with other more intelligent family members to 1. get your new address ... and 2. ask how 'sending things' works ... in the meantime, keep smiling, keep writing ... and stay warm and well!!!! hugs, marj

Anonymous said...

thanks for the new info! I will send you a letter soon (I mean it this time) and ask you for the long story. I'll also try to find something more interesting than what I have to say to include as well. just not sure yet what that would be... I don't suppose cupcakes would travel well :-\

Anonymous said...

FACT: You are a very funny (and I mean that in a kind way) humorus (or you humor us?)person! It's a great gift to have in life!
Love Aunt Sue.