Saturday, 12 January 2008

Just the Facts

Fact: I have moved so my address has changed. See over there ------>

Fact: The most important thing I brought with me to Kazakhstan was my head flashlight. It is just ridiculiously useful for outhouse runs.

Fact: MAIL IS AMAZING! Thank you!!

Fact: Once again, I have no time to tell you funny stories. Next time.

Ok, one. My new host family is funny. My last family was too, but my new host father has this hilerious laugh and you cant help but laugh when he does, even if you don't know (or understand) why he is laughing. So last night I decided to use a new phrase I've learned basically saying "I'm stuffed as a dog" and he burst out laughing like you wouldn't believe. It must have been the funniest thing he's ever heard in his life. So there you are, I was funny in Russian. That's a victory, I think.